Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Expected One

The Expected One
Kathleen McGowan

The Expected One is a story of mysticism, secrecy and altered history surrounding the woman Mary Magdalene and her relationship to Christ.   I was expecting a book similar to The Davinci Code and in some ways it was.

I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what to write, how to review this book.  So instead of trying to summarize it and talk about the writing, I'm just going to write the words I keep saying in my head.

I didn't hate this book.  But I didn't love it, either.  Some parts of it kept me entertained and called me back for more, and other parts I could have put it down and never picked it up again.

I like the theory behind this story and actually support it myself, that Mary Magdalene was in truth the wife of Jesus and the mother of his children.  Mysticism uncovers the hidden gospels written by Mary as only "The Expected One" will have the location of the gospels revealed to her.  The Expected One will be a descendant of Mary Magdalene.

This story fizzled at the end when the found gospels are stolen away to Rome and all the characters involved more or less just shrug it off.  I found that disappointing.  There are 2 more books in this trilogy but I doubt I will get to them.

Three shots of five.

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